Delivery Information

Postcode Checker

Please use the postcode checker at the top of the page or at the cart page to see if we deliver to your address. Alternatively, look at the information below.

Deliveries in London outside the above postcodes

If we don’t cover your area and you want to place a big order above £300, please contact us, and we will arrange a special delivery for you.

Delivery within zone 1 or to a flat

All deliveries within zone 1 or to a flat will be delivered to the door number. The driver will call the contact number upon arrival and request the customer to come and collect from the car.

Nationwide delivery

We offer deliveries of certain hampers and products across the UK. Please get in touch if you are interested in more details.

Please note

Our courier will attempt to deliver at the address provided within our delivery times. It is solely the client's responsibility to ensure that the intended recipient is available to receive the package on the day. Where there is no response at the address, the driver will attempt to deliver to a neighbor and call the number provided to notify of a failed delivery. We are not liable for failed deliveries due to the recipient not being available to take the order and do not offer any form of refunds in this case. We also cannot offer redirections/redeliveries on the day.

Delivery Charges and Minimum Orders 

Within 8 miles

  • £15.00 delivery charge
  • £65.00 minimum order

Postcodes: NW7*, NW9*, WD3*, WD6*, WD23*, WD3*, WD7*, WD1*, WD2*, HA0*, HA1*, HA2*, HA3*, HA4*, HA5*, HA6*, HA7*, HA8*, HA9*

Within 12 miles

  • £25.00 delivery charge
  • £65.00 minimum order

Postcodes: NW1*, NW2*, NW3*, NW4*, NW5*, NW6*, NW8*, NW10*, NW11*, N1*, N2*, N3*, N4*, N5*, N6*, N7*, N8*, N9*, N10*, N11*, N12*, N13*, N14*, N15*, N16*, N17*, N18*, N19*, N1C*, N1P*, N20*, N21*, N22*, N81*, AL4*, AL3*, AL2*, AL1*, EN5*, EN6*, EN8*, HA6*, HP3*, HP2*, HP1*, AL6*, HP23*, HA8*, AL9*, AL7*, HP8*, HP5*, HP5*

Above 12 miles and below 20 miles

  • £45.00 delivery charge
  • £100.00 minimum order

Postcodes: EN1*, EN2*, EN3*, EN4*, EN5*, EN6*, EN7*, EN8*, EN9*, WC1A*, WC1B*, WC1E*, WC1H*, WC1N*, WC1R*, WC1V*, WC1X*, WC2A*, WC2B*, WC2E*, WC2H*, WC2N*, WC2R*, W2*, W3*, W4*, W5*, W6*, W7*, W8*, W9*, W10*, W11*, W12*, W13*, W14*, W1A*, W1B*, W1C*, W1D*, W1F*, W1G*, W1H*, W1J*, W1K*, W1S*, W1T*, W1U*, W1W*, EC1A*, EC1M*, EC1N*, EC1P*, EC1R*, EC1V*, EC1Y*, EC2A*, EC2M*, EC2N*, EC2P*, EC2R*, EC2V*, EC2Y*, EC3A*, EC3M*, EC3N*, EC3P*, EC3R*, EC3V*, EC4A*, EC4M*, EC4N*, EC4P*, EC4R*, EC4V*, EC4Y*, SE1*, SE2*, SE3*, SE4*, SE5*, SE6*, SE7*, SE8*, SE9*, SE10*, SE11*, SE12*, SE13*, SE14*, SE15*, SE16*, SE17*, SE18*, SE19*, SE1P*, SE20*, SE21*, SE22*, SE23*, SE24*, SE25*, SE26*, SE27*, SE28*, SW2*, SW3*, SW4*, SW5*, SW6*, SW7*, SW8*, SW9*, SW10*, SW11*, SW12*, SW13*, SW14*, SW15*, SW16*, SW17*, SW18*, SW19*, SW1A*, SW1E*, SW1H*, SW1P*, SW1V*, SW1W*, SW1X*, SW1Y*, SW20*, SW95